What Are The Actual Obsession Phrases? Is It Bad For a Relationship?

Obsession phrases are those words or phrases that people use to obsess about something. They can be about a person, thing, or event. People use these phrases to keep the thought of something at the forefront of their minds.

This can be helpful for some people as it allows them to focus on what they want. However, for others, it can be detrimental as it can take over their lives and cause them to lose focus on other things.

Most people have heard of, or at least know of, the popular phrases “I’m obsessed with you” and “You’re my everything.” But what are some of the actual obsession phrases that people use?

According to a study conducted by Match.com, the top three obsession phrases used by daters are “You complete me,” “You’re my destiny,” and “I can’t live without you.” These phrases reflect how important the person is to the individual, showing how much they need them in their life

People have different obsessions, and what might be an obsession for one person might not be an obsession for another. However, there are some common obsession phrases that everyone seems to know at least a little bit about. In this article, we will explore what these phrases are and provide examples of how they can be used.

Causes of obsession phrases

Obsession phrases are words or phrases that people use to obsess over someone or something. There are different types of obsession phrases, but most of them have the same effects on relationships.

When one person uses obsession phrases on another person, it can cause the other person to feel overwhelmed, manipulated, and controlled. In some cases, the use of obsession phrases can even lead to violence or abuse.

There are certain phrases that people use when they are obsessing over a particular subject or person. These phrases can be seen as signs that someone is having an actual obsession, rather than just an interest or hobby. Some of the most common obsession phrases include “I can’t stop thinking about him” and “She’s always on my mind.”

Sometimes these phrases are said out of spite or to get attention, but they can also be indicative of a more serious problem. If someone is using these phrases excessively or in a way that disrupts their life, it might be time to seek help.

Effects of obsession phrases

When someone is in a relationship, they may say things that their partner interprets as signs of obsession. However, sometimes these phrases are not actually indicative of obsession, but rather normal behaviors in a relationship. It is important to be aware of the actual obsession phrases so that you can distinguish between healthy and unhealthy behavior in your relationship.

How Obsession Phrases Cause Damage in Relationships

Obsession phrases are commonly used in relationships, but some can cause more damage than good. Phrases such as “you’re the only one for me,” “I can’t live without you,” and “you’re my everything” can make a person feel loved and needed, but when used in excess or without sincerity, they can have the opposite effect.

These phrases can actually cause a person to become obsessive and attached to their partner in a way that is unhealthy and damaging to the relationship. When one partner becomes too reliant on these phrases for validation and love, it can create major power dynamics issues and lead to resentment and anger.

The Consequences of Being in a Relationship With an Obsessed Partner

Obsessed partners are often a result of a mental health disorder, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). There are different types of obsession phrases that can be used to describe an obsessed partner.

Some examples are: needing to know where their partner is at all times, checking their phone constantly, going through their email and social media, tracking their movements, and calling or texting excessively.

If you are in a relationship with an obsessed partner, there are some things you can do to help the situation.

First, it is important to understand that the obsession is not your fault. You did not cause your partner to become obsessed and you cannot change them.

Second, try to set boundaries with your partner. This means establishing limits on what they can and cannot do in order to respect your privacy. Talk to someone about what you are going through.

The Different Types of Obsession Phrases


Phrases used to describe someone who is head-over-heels in love. There are different types of obsession phrases that are used to describe different stages of a relationship.


This phrase is typically used to describe the beginning stages of a relationship when someone is first falling in love. They feel an intense sense of excitement and passion for their partner, and they can’t get them out of their mind.


This phrase is typically used to describe a relationship that has been going on for a while and the couple is starting to get comfortable with each other. They may not be as passionate as they were in the beginning, but they still feel very strongly about each other.

Love addiction

This is typically used to describe a relationship where one person has an obsession with their partner. They may not be as passionate, but they still feel very strongly about each other.


This phrase is typically used to describe a relationship where one person relies on their partner for support and the other person does not feel supported.

Power struggle

This phrase is typically used to describe a relationship where one person feels like they have to be the dominant partner and the other feels like they have to take orders from their partner.


This phrase is typically used to describe a relationship where one person feels like they have to be in the relationship for their partner’s sake, and not for their own.


Phrases used to describe someone who is excessively worried or suspicious of others

There are different types of phrases that are used to describe someone who is excessively worried or suspicious of others.

In some cases, this may be a sign of paranoia. It can be unhealthy for a person to be consumed with these thoughts and doubts, and it can have a negative impact on their relationships. Some of the most common phrases used to describe someone who is paranoid include: “she’s always watching me,” “he’s always accusing me of things,” and “I can’t do anything right in her eyes.


Phrases used to describe someone who is resentful Many people experience jealousy in their relationships, often as a result of feeling left out or neglected.

There are a few different phrases that are typically used to describe someone who is resentful. For example, “he’s always green with envy” or “she’s just a jealous type.” While jealousy can manifest itself in different ways, these phrases tend to describe people who are excessively obsessed with their partner’s every move.

Jealousy can be a sign that someone is insecure in their relationship. It can also be a sign that someone isn’t getting the attention they need from their partner.

Tips for Leaving an Obsessed Relationship

Leaving an obsessed relationship can be difficult, but it is not impossible. If you are considering leaving a relationship that is controlled by obsession phrases, here are some tips that can help make the process easier.

It is important to understand what you are dealing with

Obsession phrases are words or phrases that someone uses to control and manipulate their partner. These phrases can be extremely damaging and often lead to abusive relationships. If you can identify these phrases and understand their power, you will be better equipped to leave the relationship.

Remember that you are not alone

There are people who care about you and want to help you through this difficult time. Talk to your friends and family about what you are going through and ask for their support.

Develop a plan

For some people, this may mean leaving the relationship. For others, it may mean seeking professional help. Either way, developing a plan will make it easier to cope with your feelings and change the course of your life.

Obsession Test

There are some telltale signs that can help you determine if your relationship has crossed the line into obsession. If you answered “yes” to any of the following questions, then it is likely that you are in an obsessed relationship:

  1. Do you find yourself constantly thinking about your partner?
  2. Are you always checking in with them, even if they’re not available?
  3. Do you feel like you can’t live without them?
  4. Do you feel like your life revolves around your partner?
  5. Are you excessively jealous or possessive?
  6. Do arguments or disagreements always turn into full-blown fights?


In conclusion, it is important to be mindful of the phrases that we use when discussing our relationships. While some obsession may be harmless, it can also be damaging. It is important to be honest with ourselves and our partners about what we need and want in order to have a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

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